This Saturday I’ll be competing at the Victory Grappling Championships Winter tournament. As with other tournaments, I like to go in with a few goals set before hand. For the last tournament, back in September, here’s what my final goals looked like:
- NO losses by submission
Score PointsGet a sweep- Control the stand-up
I did the exact opposite of #1, each of my losses was by submission (but my win was by submission as well. Who needs points?)
So the two things I failed to accomplish will carry over. But I’m also going to add a few more:
- NO losses by submission
- Decide when the match goes to the ground
- Win by submission
- Have a winning record for the tournament
- Medal
I think #1 and #5 will probably always be goals, even if I don’t lose by submission this time, next time it will still be a goal of mine.
As for #3, I have a specific submission in mind, one I’ve been working the last few weeks, and will continue to work after the tournament. But why tip my hand in case any of my competitors read this beforehand? 🙂
For #4, so far my tournament records are: 0-4, 3-5, 1-3. The 3-5 was the last Victory tournament. Ideally, I’d love to go 8-0 because that would give me a 12-12 mark for my “career” but we’ll see.
My prep this time was a little bit more relaxed, not on an intensity level, but rather on a anxiety level. I am excited for the tournament, and I’ve put in a lot of work since the Circle of Iron in September, but the first couple tournaments I was so anxious a week or more out. This time I’ve been more relaxed. I did have a little bit of nervous energy when I saw the brackets yesterday, because my mind finally started to realize it’s happening this weekend. I’ve put in a lot of work, since the last tournament, I’ve been on the mat for over 90 hours. I’m prepared mentally. So now it’s just time to go out there and compete.